He even fixes up an old house in the woods that they use as their secret get-away place where they go to be ‘alone’… *eye roll* The second book picks up where we left off in the first one. And, at times, it did feel a little bit like the only thing that Evan ever wanted to do was get into Gemma’s pants…but I don’t know, that might be just me (recall the scene in the first book where he watched her in the shower without her knowledge?). Although, there is an awful lot of makin’ out (and some love scenes where they get it on…they are only mildly descriptive, if you can even use that fact to justify to yourself how that makes it better for kids to read a sex scene in a book like this). There seemed to be a lot more dialog between the two main characters, who we see interact more in this book (you can actually tell that they probably do, in fact, love each other and it’s not just infatuation).

Still, I saw a LOT of similarities to Twilight, but somehow I was able to overlook that fact in this book. It was in my opinion way, way better than the first one. It was about a couple who got pregnant in high school, ended up losing the baby and then splitting up – meeting again in college and getting back together, only the guy had been making it a habit to go to Mexico and sleep with prostitutes and apparently got one PREGNANT! But the worst part is that this dumb girl takes him back!!! But I digress… I am glad that I read the second book in the Touched Saga. I’ve only ever left a book series unfinished on purpose ONE time, and it was because I really hated the book.

But then I thought about it, and I decided that I was going to read the second book anyway – not just because I was bored, but because I really hate to leave things unfinished. And, I said that I would probably only read the second book if I got bored.

Just a fair warning – there are mild spoilers in this review!! Alright, so I reviewed book #1 in this series the other week, and I don’t think I was very nice…(I only gave it 2 out of 5 stars).